This workshop is lead by Igor Mamlenkov, Master in Physical Theatre (Accademia Dimitri, Switzerland. It is based on his research in clown that he is doing already for 8 years. There is a simple foundation that he has discovered for himself in Clown – Character, State, Atmosphere. And most of all, an intense Inner Monologue. All of the great clowns use it as a tool but somehow never refer to it or even negate it. Yet, it is always funny to observe a “fool” thinking. Definitely, the quality of that thinking is quite different from one of an ordinary person on the street. So, we will focus on building up a character that brings with him a certain atmosphere on stage and we will work on different “states” that this character would go through. And all of this, will be linked by an inner “clown” monologue. These simple yet very rooted basic elements would make your presence stronger and would help you investigate your own roots.
We will have find and we will improvise. It will a fertile ground for trying out stuff and coming up with new material for numbers and sketches.